Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Inspiration: Part One

As my blog name suggests my main focus for my final folio will be based around self portrait but instead of tradition portraits part of what I am going to tap into the new art form of the "selfie"
  1. a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.
    "occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself every day isn't necessary"

 No I am one to take a lot of selfies but I won't be posing or making the duck face in any of these photos, no what I want to center on for this work is the unexpected selfie. The idea came to me after I realized my phone would take photos of me randomly and most of the time really unflattering but others the photo would catch me in a moment of laughter or deep thought, with the image and colours blurred in some which I thought look almost dream like at times, so I thought would be a good starting point for this folio.

Here are some of the shots I have captured.

Sunday, 20 March 2016


Hello my fellow photographers,

Today for class we ventured out into the wonderfully strange Footscray to take some photos, I got some really good shots, mostly of graffiti and rubbish but good shots all in all. Footscray has kind of a grungy dirty charm to it which is what I wanted to focus on for the day.
We set out in groups as well and it was interesting to see that a lot of the time we took photos of the same thing but each photo had its different take on the subject.

Here are some of my favourite shots taken.
Some of the photos I have slightly edited through cropping, changing the colour, contrast, etc.